Conquest Commentary 11: Thicker Than Blood
INTRO: In each of us there burns
the soul of a podcast. In every
generation, a few are chosen to
prove it. Long ago, that fake
compelled to friends to watch a
discus every piece of Mortal
Kombat and media they can find.
Neal: Corey and Neal must join
forces to rewatch every episode
of Mortal Kombat conquest in a
new way. Commentary,
Corey: yes, what I found,
Neal: what did you find?
Corey: I went to a store the
other day? No, because for the
time being, we're still allowed
to do that. I think, you know,
the day is coming, where I think
stores will just kind of stop
existing, and like human society
will just stop existing. And
we'll have to like maybe go to
space, and try to find some
stuff there to maybe fix our
Earth problems, but I don't want
to get into that. What I want to
get to is that I think the store
is selling some stuff that maybe
we found there.
Neal: space, space stuff, cursed
space objects.
Corey: So I'm holding in my hand
a regular bottle. Uh huh. In
very few ways. It's a pretty
weird bottle.
Neal: Actually. Bait and Switch
Corey: It's 710 milliliters. Do
the math.
Neal: Regular bottle psych not
regular at all. Well,
Corey: it says limited edition
on it. So how could it be a
regular bottle because I'm
holding condescension,
condescension condensation. A
very condescending bottle of
everyone's favorite sports
drink. dripping with
condensation. Oh, no. But
something looks a little wrong
with this one. What's wrong?
This is a bottle of Gatorade.
Yeah, the athletes. sweet milk.
That is a limited edition All
Black Label. Black ice. Black
ice pitch black liquid needs
Jesus Christ shone a light. You
would see nothing. It looks like
oil out of a car that's been
that thoroughly used, but it
lacks the consistency. All
right, hold on. Much like my
grasp on the English language. I
lacked the consistency
Neal: Corey don't do not drink
this. Don't drink this.
Corey: That's never stopped us
Neal: Sure. Have you seen a
little movie called? I don't
know. Prometheus.
Corey: Yes, but not recently. So
I don't remember. I know that
there was black stuff in it. But
I don't remember what happened.
I'm sure it went fine. Right.
Neal: maybe a little film called
Alien Covenant.
Corey: I haven't that one. I got
it level with you. I skipped out
on that one.
Neal: Have you have you have you
not heard of chemical? A zero
dash 395 9x point nine one dash
one five.
Corey: Did you have that in your
head to say it?
Neal: No, I did not. I had to
look at
Corey: oh my god, that would
have been awesome. No, I haven't
heard of that. Ever. I've never
heard of that series of letters
and numbers in my life,
Neal: bro. That's the pathogen.
That's the that's the fire of
Prometheus right there. That's
the engineer goo. Do not drink
Corey: But the caps already
Neal: Don't know. Don't. Don't
come in contact with it's gonna
swim around in your eyeball and
mutate you from the inside.
Practice was a condescending
cautionary tale. I
Corey: just drank it. Fuck. I
was joking. He told me not to
drink it. I was drinking. Good.
Now I'm trying to figure out
what it's supposed to taste
like. It's like death. They say
Neal: spaceless
Corey: I think we have a bit of
an Iron Brew situation. Oh, in
that. I can't know. Bear with
me. In that. I can't tell what
it's supposed to taste like. It
doesn't taste bad. per se. Um,
it doesn't taste great. I would
drink it. I will drink it. I
would drink it. But if I was in
a store or space really? And I
had this or like, either blue
Gatorade. Sure, yeah, blues,
which presumably we're also
sending to space like pale blue
or regular blue. Uh huh. I would
rather I would sooner drink
Rayden or Sub-Zero flavor.
Gatorade than the Prometheus goo
Neal: Gatorade, frost maybe
maybe some monster hydro. Blue.
Corey: I will say G two can go
fuck itself. fucking sucks. Is
it? No, G two. No, it's not all
G two.
Neal: Or is what is G two? Like
the like the watered down
Corey: It's like Diet Coke.
Neal: Sure. Yeah,
Corey: it's bad. I don't like
it. All right. Um, it's not
good. I had some other joke. I
was like, halfway through saying
I don't remember what it was. It
doesn't matter. It's fine.
Anyway, so I'm drinking black
Gatorade, which really sounds
like a sentence you shouldn't
legally be allowed to say sure.
But yet, she persisted.
Neal: Somebody on Reddit asked
Reddit said, What flavor is
black ice Gatorade?
Corey: That's not what that
subreddit is for
Neal: the top top. Answer. Black
Corey: tastes like black. Uh
huh. Um, now
Neal: it's possible that someone
hit enter a little too quick
because somebody else followed
up with black currant.
Corey: Isn't that what an Iron
Brew supposed to taste like? I
think so. Hey on.
Neal: Yeah. And then someone
says grape someone says
Blackberry. So want to say says
certainly not grape fierce grape
should never have left. So good.
So now we're getting
Corey: quite sweet and has a
deep flavor of black currant.
Neal: Uh huh. Yeah,
Corey: so maybe looking drinks
tastes the same.
Neal: Maybe they do. Well, they
don't. Exactly they don't but
they're supposed to. Why are
they so drastically different
colors if they're both black
curls? Like, like iron urn
brood? Did some
Corey: maybe black currant is
like a stage name and it's
actually an orange Berry.
Neal: My boyfriend said it
tastes like watered down
original monster but without the
Corey: what does that mean? What
does that what does that mean
for so many reasons not the
least of which not carbonated
Neal: but but she or they would
describe it as unique as a
unique strawberry but their
boyfriend says originally I
don't think we're gonna get to
the bottom of this. That someone
else just thrown out concept
BlackBerry maybe question mark
like they've clearly never had
this drink. But they just want
to wait yeah, what it could
taste like get out of here. This
underscore performance
underscore for 2612 days ago.
Why does that have an upvote?
You know what? Taking that up,
vote away.
Corey: Anyway. Dumb drinks are
Neal: down. Drinks are back,
baby. So what are we doing
today, Cory?
Corey: Oh, I don't know. We're
watching. Mortal Kombat
conquest. I know that Mortal
Neal: conquest episode 11.
thicker than blood. Should we
find out who our combatant of
the week is? Cory? Yeah.
Combatants of the week. Eva
Mendes. Kasara. Scorpion. It's
Eva Mendes. It's Eva Mendez.
Dude, this is the Eva Mendes
Corey: Finally,
Neal: I also Kisara and Scorpion
are here. But come on. It's the
Eva Mendes. She's She's the
combatant of the week.
Corey: Yeah, it's not going to
be the other guy.
Neal: It's not going to EcoStar
No. Just to recap, as far as I
have been keeping track, we have
something like 23 fatalities.
And I believe one Hora Kiri. 13
confirmed apples. I think we're
gonna get another one in this
maybe two because there's like a
big eaten scene in this one. And
we've got we've definitely got
more than two broken tables, but
I have at least two broken
tables on the list. So that's
where we're at going into this
episode. Cory Are you ready to
just dive right into this one?
Corey: Not quite yet. Actually.
No. Okay, I'm gonna need a
second because I had the wrong
thing open. Today good live
podcasting for everybody. I just
closed audition and then opened
it again as if that was going to
be with fucking episode was for
the second time in a row.
Neal: Ban that said pathogens
really getting to you? Do I get
the not good. Got the alien
vapors. Hey, question. Do you
remember the Gatorade
commercials? Where it was like
athletes like sweating? Yeah.
And the sweat was the color of
the Gatorade. They were drinking
Corey: weight. They were
sweating the color of the
Gatorade. They were drinking.
Yes. Yeah, I might vaguely
remember that. Okay,
Neal: because I'm just thinking
about this. This ink colored
Midnight Black Gatorade in one
of those commercials would be
kind of terrifying and feel like
a scene straight out of
Corey: What a lot of people
don't know is that Prometheus
was guerilla marketing for black
ice Gatorade.
Neal: It might have been
actually might have been I bet
they did because it was this.
This is a the black ice was
originally made for the Spanish
Corey: I believe. So I don't
know. What do you think I did
Neal: Maybe there was like a
local Prometheus tie in? Yeah,
initially made in 1988 for the
Spanish market. Okay, that
predates Prometheus a little
bit. Okay. 1988 1988 do you
think you're drinking like an
official like a vintage 1988
bottle of black Gatorade right?
Corey: no because the bottle
wasn't the shape. They could
have re bottled it but that's
not original because it wouldn't
be the same mold fucked up
plastic open up the old plastic
poured then it would be this
there's no BPA in it all right,
but there would be
Neal: are you ready? Yeah. Okay
just as a reminder to everyone
we're gonna count down we're
gonna say round 11 321 fight and
you hit play on fight all right,
round 11 321 Fight
reuse sets footage from the
Mortal Kombat 95 movie.
Corey: Well, that's what I meant
when I said reused sets but I
guess it also is a reused set,
but I meant the footage.
Neal: But this part of it's new
we're watching Scorpion just
kicked some dudes ass is one of
them we know is bizarre, because
we've seen this before. Right?
In his little like hell
dimension here. Yeah, I really
liked this set. This is cool.
Corey: Yeah, it's nice to see
something new in the grand
scheme of things because it does
get a little bit samey
Neal: right too much too much
fusion market and the courtyard
outside the trading post. In the
trading post, the combat club we
haven't really been called the
combat club lately. On this run
through so obviously Chris
Cassamassa is back as Scorpion
in this episode. The man the
myth, the legend. And we got
Dean Cochran has Khazar
Corey: the country music stars
Neal: he was in he was a
production manager on Ad Astra
and the Assassin's Creed movie.
And he plays Rocky Balboa and
Rambo in Meet the Spartans. So
he's like a does he
Corey: look? That's unfortunate.
Neal: Does he look like
Sylvester Stallone to you?
Corey: I'd love to see his face
again. Well, you're gonna see
plenty in this episode. Yeah, we
just need to wait for the close
Neal: Keep it on your mind. That
wasn't lack of motion close up.
He was also in a short called
cats on a plane. That sounds
delightful. Does it? I don't
know. Anyway, motorcycle gang
member in Batman and Robin and
Tobias high did an episode of
silk stockings called Exit the
dragon. He doesn't. He doesn't.
He does not currently. No, no.
Corey: It also probably didn't
at the time and frankly, I doubt
they cared all that much.
Neal: I don't Yeah, for me the
Spartans. They probably didn't
care. We need a guy to maybe in
2008 He looked exactly like God
this Scorpion voice. It's not
the best. Yeah. It's better than
it wasn't the pilot. If in
Warrior eternal part two. You
remember that? Yeah, like that
was that was Scorpion is no
more. Or Takeda is no more I am
Scorpion. Like it was real
robotic. Darkness. What else was
the sky in Days of Our Lives?
Over the hills? 90210 Amityville
1992 It's about time. Cory.
That's one for your list.
Corey: th why me?
Neal: Yeah, it's a it's about
haunted spices.
Corey: It's about time. Hey, yo,
Neal: hold on. There you go.
Given out pity rim shots. Yeah.
Corey: just a funny sentence.
Neal: Mortal Kombat. You know,
we don't know who does the
announcer voice for the thing. I
feel like that's an oversight on
our part. Like the voiceover
Corey: I was drinking like
Neal: I couldn't answer. You
just miss Kung Lao sort of
breaking a dude's arm?
Corey: I didn't miss nothing.
I'm eyes on
Neal: that Matt Damon. I don't
know. damn cool. I'll go a
little hard. You're trying to
get warriors on your side. Not
cripple the entire Earth room
Corey: I've never seen that
move. Where you hit me. You
Neal: This guy sucks. Yeah, just
big. This might be James Barthez
var te es who's crazy young Matt
Damon. Credited as young man in
this episode of conquest only
Corey: young man Matt Dave
Neal: but he already had his
Jason Bourne body.
Unknown: Well, thank you for
turning post is mine now. I'm
going to open up. Why don't you
give me a hand
Neal: Kyle watt as mob leader
again, we've got weird people
credited in this that aren't
showing up in episodes or
whatever. I love the the
storyline that, that people are
like they're trying to recruit
there's room fighters and
Corey: they're only coming in to
teach Kung Lao or get cool
moves. And then do what with
them use them aware. What do you
Neal: mean? On the streets,
dude? And
Corey: why do they live on the
fucking Streets of Rage?
Neal: Yes. You've seen Zhu Zin.
You know, there's fights break
out of the bowling ball games
all the time. Hey, it's it's Eva
Corey: It's so jarring. And I
don't mean anything by this to
the people that that are on this
show, because I like them a lot.
But you'll know what I mean in a
second. It's outrageously
jarring seeing a real celebrity
Neal: someone who transcended
like, I mean, yeah, this is a
don't get me wrong. I know what
you mean.
Corey: I now care deeply about
everybody on this show. But I
was not like culturally aware of
any of them. Except for vaguely
Paolo Montalban. Before watching
this show. I knew who Eva Mendes
Neal: right and I think the what
what feels the most odd to me is
that she feels miscast in this
Corey: Oh, yeah. Like should
that will become apparent. Not
Neal: like she's the one who's
not fitting into the fantasy
environment. No, they
Corey: put somebody who works to
famous. And I mean that. No, you
know what I mean? Like, you get
what my point is?
Neal: Yeah, I do. I just like I
don't think she's got a lot of
like fantasy credits under her
belt. Right? Like I'm looking at
Corey: Children of the Corn
Neal: There's that she deals
with terror but that was but
even that was setting like
wasn't that set in like modern
day? Yeah, well as I was just
fucking around, because I've
seen that movie. Yeah, she's
well that she was in that with
Greg Vaughan Of course. From a
friend of the show. How can I
forget? From poison ivy the new
seduction and also the black
dragon episode. Yeah, VIP. Urban
Legends Final Cut. too fast, too
furious once upon a time in
Mexico. Not a lot of like,
fantasy genre stuff on Eva
Mendes is filmography. Just this
and that's what I'm saying. She
doesn't seem to fit. Right. Like
in that, that genre, I guess.
Also, she's super famous.
Unknown: Or at least I don't
think so. You don't think he is?
He's missing?
Corey: We need to talk. I don't
want to have this talk with you.
Okay, I guess we'll just talk
here in front of Tasha.
Neal: Let's just talk in front
of Tasha.
Corey: We're Tajik he convinced
me this is a good idea. I do
like how nosy Tasha is in this
episode. Is this nosiness or is
this just like earnest concern
for a missing person?
Neal: I think it's nosiness.
Honestly, I don't think she's
particularly concerned. I mean,
I guess Taj it probably would
be, but I think that
Corey: okay, no, she clearly is
not concerned. I remember her
saying just when it was getting
Neal: Yeah, it's nosing this I
love this. I love that shot of
old footage. Yeah, it because
you can tell they just like
barely, like cropped out. Like
Lukang and Johnny Wong like Did
you see it? Was there a boom
mic? No, I'm just kidding. I'm
just telling jokes. I missed the
joke. Yeah. It wasn't funny.
gonna mention one more time how
awesome Shao Kahn is thrown is
it looks like it was designed
oft. It looks like it was
designed by HR Gieger. A little
bit. I think it's probably hard
in lined with spikes, but he's
like into it. You know what I
Corey: This Scorpion voice
sucks, man.
Neal: I know. I'm not. I know. I
feel like the less it's it is
hard when they when they make
Scorpion talk because at this
point, he didn't really say
anything except get over here
and come here. Right? So they
just didn't know what to do for
a voice for
Corey: the guy that has to say
toasty. 800 times so sure.
Neal: And then smokes classic
line toasty and Sub-Zero is
classic line. Hey, everybody,
chill, right? Or whatever he
says. And then Johnny Cage is
classic line. Lights Camera
Corey: That's what you say when
you race cars. Start a race you
just say Lights Camera traction?
Sure. Yeah. Lights Camera power
Neal: Do you know Jackie Bryant?
From Virtua Fighter I think is
an f1 driver canonically in the
world of virtual fighter.
Corey: No, I didn't know that
was just for you to say I
thought you were asking me Hey,
do you know What is a real
living person? Jackie Bryan is
Neal: certainly not famous f1
racecar driver Jackie project
Corey: does have a good point
that he does a lot of favors.
And there is something funny
about leaving Kung Lao to just
be like, Hey, can you do
customer service for the next
six hours? Right?
Neal: And Kung Lao was like, no,
no, no, until like, the hot
chick shows up. And he's like,
Yeah, boy. Because he didn't
talk, let
Corey: me go to Eugene Appleby
Neal: because Kung Lao is a
little fuck machine in this
Corey: Do you get 1000 miles and
like whenever this is that would
have taken a fucking while.
Neal: That was yeah, that was
half his life probably probably
like I'm sure he travelled by
like wagon
right this is awkward. Dude.
Corey: It looks the way they're
doing this like shot reverse
shot is so clearly like these
shots are all from different
Neal: Oh, yeah. Clearly, you can
tell they may not even again
maybe two bodies they might not
have been talking to each other.
Yes, not once. I don't I think I
think I think
Corey: given the shooting
schedule I suspect this had they
probably needed to shoot talking
to each other. Probably but it's
time do you think they have
Neal: I don't know. Maybe like
they had like Eva Mendes
shooting her Kisara scenes. Like
we gotta get we'll put the
second the second unit on Siro
and I don't know dude. It looks
filmed differently to like, does
it look like it's filmed
Corey: This does really, it's
hard to do. This actually kind
of sucks. Yeah. If you have
family members that you don't
like you are obligated to be
nice to them is she's making
toxic relationships
Neal: with your family. Too bad
go help them. I mean, Qatar is
not I mean, I guess Qatar did
sort of get radicalized by like,
a Scorpion. Like the the Asian
version of Jordan Peterson.
Corey: I need you to justify
what what like he's got he's got
like his like little men's
Neal: rights like yeah, in this.
Corey: I don't think it's men's
rights. It's an army.
Neal: Okay, all right. I'm just
Corey: Well, I just I didn't I
don't get it. I don't.
Neal: I'm saying like He's like,
he's like preying on like, like
dudes with like, low self esteem
like bizarre because of the way
he was raised with in conflict
with his brother and his dad and
forced to compete and then
Corey: yeah, and he's like, he
talks like a fucking idiot.
Yeah, so he's like the most the
most relatable thing would be to
Jordan Peterson is about sound
Neal: But like so like he like
fell into this cold, right of
like, No, we're gonna teach you
how to be like, cool, tough man.
Man warriors. Our path is not
for the weak or whatever. He
says 14,000 times and he like
gets radicalized into this like,
Corey: yeah, army. I'm just
petting an orange.
Neal: And like, he's like, super
possessive. Yeah, commercial
Paul. He's like super possessive
over women
Corey: versus over. All right.
God, that's the opening in that
shot was literally just her
chest that's zoomed out
Neal: from this this woman's
breasts. It has been shopping
with Kung Lao for hours at this
point it seemed and bought
nothing and then she just
fucking leaves like an advocate
This is none of your business.
I'm just saying like.
Corey: Score means at least at
least trying to teach these
people valuable skills.
Neal: I think you're given
Scorpion a little too much
credit in this.
Corey: I think you're giving
Jordan Peters too much.
Neal: No, I'm not. I'm saying
they're both shitty.
Corey: No, it's funnier to say
that Scorpion is better because
that's a joke because he's a
literal demon.
Neal: All right. All right.
Fair. got me scared for saying
that. I was like, sound like I
was defending Jordan Peterson.
Corey: No, but it's also funny
to say that Jordan Peterson's
word is then a dude who was a
sculptor of faith that beats
fire out of his mouth.
Neal: It's fair. You're right.
Corey: and it is more valuable
to learn how to fight than it is
toward anything about cleaning
your fucking room for
Neal: cleaning your room. It's
what he talks about.
Corey: At some point. He's like,
Yeah, clean your room. Because
like, it'll save Western
society. I don't know. I didn't
watch it. But like it'll
Neal: save Western society.
Corey: He's a fucking idiot. It
doesn't matter what he say.
Neal: I'm thinking Scorpion is
definitely on some. Some MRA
shit. That's my whole point.
Corey: MRA men's rights
Neal: activism.
Corey: Didn't know it had an
acronym. We're gonna Pirates of
the Caribbean.
Neal: How do you we talked about
this last time. How do you get
to this weird hell dimension?
Corey: You got to answer Jordan
Peterson's riddles.
Neal: You have to name six kinds
of serial while people beat the
shit out of you or whatever the
proud boys do.
Corey: What are you Why do you
know so much about this? What
are you talking nobody knows
anything that you say anyway I
don't know what any of this
Neal: but how does he like
seriously like where is this
place? Is it just like
underground and looks cool or
probably between realms?
Corey: No they have those
Phillips special fancy bulbs
that you use your phone had they
just turned those red
Neal: Philips Hue got you an
extraordinary spirit. Yeah I
just well because it like they
obviously tried to make it look
like whatever world Johnny Cage
and Scorpion fought in in the
movie on Shang Tsung island. But
that was like in our world at
that point. So is this like a
weird little pocket dimension is
my question. And no, I don't
think it's that deep. Okay, they
just don't it's just a place
because he also didn't explain
it in the movie. So it could be
anywhere. Really? I guess. I'm
Corey: read sharpen my blood
knife. Is that a knife? Kung Lao
gave him I can't believe I said
it was okay to use Jen's old
Neal: Right and just wild I
guess for Hannah. It's okay. But
for Siro when he's drunk, it's
not okay.
Unknown: Then help me. Let me
hear it from you. You've never
told me anything about your
family, where you're from
nothing to tell.
Corey: I couldn't sleep. I
couldn't sleep. Tasha, you can't
just hear about 15 seconds ago.
No to say that she said up in
the room. She's like, I can't
Neal: It's been zero minutes.
It's been no time at all. Like
she hasn't even tried. But to
her credit, like she's worried
about Kisara right. And then
this is where the episode fails
the Bechtel test. Because all
they're gonna do is talk about
Siro and bizarre
starring Tom Cruise and what's
her name Cameron DS.
Corey: I don't know what that
joke means.
Neal: It was a movie night and
Corey: Event Siro and Kasara
possibly have to do with Tom
Cruise and the other name that
you said. Cameron
Neal: Siro is clearly Tom Cruise
right and Kisara is absolutely
the Cameron Diaz of Mortal
Kombat conquest.
Corey: Eva Mendez is famously
the Eva Mendes of
Neal: Eva Mendes is the Lucy Liu
of this and then I don't know
something Charlie's Angels.
Corey: And then something
Charlie's Angels.
Neal: Yeah. This the I'm tired,
Corey: ya? What are we really
firing on? What I would describe
is all cylinders. Dear listener,
you be the judge.
Neal: We seem to be a little
off. It's all right. We're
releasing this anyway. Because
why not? We gotta release
something. I just put like a
header. Like, I'd be like,
warning. This is not a good one.
Corey: I don't think that's
maybe our finest decision.
Really. We got to save that
admission for 17 minutes into
the episode of television. So
then people don't realize it's a
black Gatorade.
Neal: It's a five but it has Eva
Mendes in it.
Corey: He's attend but he does a
podcast about Mortal Kombat.
That is itself a fun
show, but he let Kung Lao break
his arm in one place
Neal: he's attend but he doesn't
get along with his brother or
his dad and 1000 miles to get
away from him. them whatever
Corey: she's attended but she
shouldn't be here
Neal: she's attend but she's in
a codependent relationship with
Corey: he's attend but he's kiss
Neal: as real to energy do
I mean, there's this is just a
very long
Corey: exposition. This is this
is one of the largest dialogue
seats they've ever had
absolutely insane.
Neal: All of this to say Siro
and cathartic. We're always
having to compete with each
other because of their shitty
dad. And then
Corey: I am feeling very tired.
We have been talking for five
minutes after you put me to bed
six minutes ago,
Neal: Eva Mendes. She fell in
love with Kozar because kasar
made it known that he needed her
and Siro didn't make it known
that he needed her. And that's
some codependent shit. It's
unhealthy. It's toxic
relationship and Wonder dude ran
off and join a cult? Yeah, it's
bad news bears dude. And now he
and his boy are gonna kidnap
Corey: She's attended but she's
easily kidnapped by
Neal: he's attend but he's
trying to kidnap his girlfriend
to join a cult
Corey: he's attended what he's
been doing the same joke for
three minutes
Neal: Yeah, this is I mean, this
is just toxic relationship all
over the
Corey: place. Just not a lot to
comment on here.
Neal: It's just kind of
depressing, right? Like it's
just kind of sad. I don't know.
Corey: Would you like to join
scorpions death army and also
get married.
Neal: Let's make it clear.
Kisara went missing. went
missing. Eva Mendes traveled all
the way to fusion to like get
serious help in finding this man
who went missing because our
went missing to join a warrior
cult and is now back in secret
trying to kidnap her after he
stalked her through the city.
Right. Was he eating an apple?
Or did I imagine that
Corey: it looks more like an
orange to me, but I'm willing to
write it down as an apple by
virtue of Apple meaning fruit.
Neal: We're gonna say 14
confirmed apples for that one.
And then like his dude, just
like knocks her out. Hey, I
Corey: was talking to her. This
is just like red flags.
Neal: All over the place, man. I
like this when they bam. The
double dose kicks the kicks.
Yeah, dude, it's good. Because
they I mean, they go to try to
like hold the door close. And he
just like kicks through that
motherfucker. This is a badass
Kung Lao in this episode. I'm
not gonna lie. Like this is good
Kung Lao on this one that I'm
remembering it I mean, the
episode started with him
breaking dudes are so like,
dude, just like not holding back
anymore. Obviously.
The close quarters fights are
always pretty good. But there
have been how many fights at
this point in Jen's room like 70
It's a good fighting
Corey: location and maybe Kung
Lao should treat it with a
little bit more tact.
Neal: Maybe you think every time
they break stuff in here he like
replaces it. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Like he's had to fix that
window like seven times. And
he's gonna have to fix it again
because then he kick I can't
Corey: Siro stopping the
fighting now now he's like, oh,
right now I now I care about
what's happening. Fuck the
window again.
Neal: We got to fix the window
again. God dammit I know it's my
brother. bump bump. Ah You're
right. Did he hit again, red
flags all over the place, dude.
He does. Oh shit. It's the
torture time one episode where
they just torture czars return
forcing them to meet Arizona
Sora has got a better Scorpion
voice than Scorpion does. I'm
not gonna lie.
Corey: Yes, Scorpion voice is
bad. Right? And I know it's
boring to keep saying hey, the
Scorpion was bad. But uh it
ain't good.
Neal: But listen to those Kasara
pipes though. Like they should
have dubbed them or something.
Did I lose or just gotten Ed
Boon to do all the Scorpion
lines in that yelling voice?
That would have been fun. Right?
Yeah. Just screamed to every
line. Commercial he's attend but
he yells all the time.
Corey: Versus over pa
Neal: Oh, there's a fun
establishing shot. Where's
Alright, so now Siro is just
gonna torture this Scorpion
ninja. Right. Knife to his
throat. He was like tied to a
column. Jesus Christ. You said
he wanted you to join Scorpion.
scorpions dead forgot scorpions
dead I saw him fall into a lava
pit that when the earth cracked
open he fell in and then the
earth sealed back up over top of
him that's how I know he's dead
fucking burn on the linkway do
Jesus Christ
Unknown: it is Scorpion. He's
recruiting fighters here on
earth realm Sora is an army
something like that I couldn't
follow it all talked about
brotherhood and movement point
Neal: see dude it's like a cold
Corey: I mean I did not think it
was a call it's pretty clearly a
Neal: And I'm just you know,
it's just saying this is this is
just this is just this is a
cautionary tale of an episode
like the whole thing like
there's just too much going on
here dude like there's family
drama relationship drama,
political drama it's all it's
just so much this is a heavy
episode. Yeah. For for Mortal
Kombat conquest to tackle all of
these major issues you know
Unknown: think he's lost Siro?
So are you
do care but I can't save
Neal: Is it is it serious job to
save him? Oh, no, no,
Corey: no, I don't think so. Why
would it be i They're just
saying that because they're like
family. Right? Right. But like I
don't know. I don't really I
don't feel that way.
Neal: If a man is is like in a
few years, I will start in too
fast too furious. And if that
franchise has taught us
anything, it's the importance of
Corey: if that franchise has
taught us anything It's Monica
go Oh, god, that's like one of
the funniest things you could
yell I think
Neal: I can shall rule
but the thing about the they
were about shows in family but
yeah, so I guess this is kind of
what Sora is like been sucked
into a cult thing and he's
chosen the family. This is all
just complicated. Also really
realizing how much the Scorpion
mask looks like a face hugger if
you're successful
strong enough like the cheap
pranks she pranks to get through
Corey: she and cola would
probably get along on account of
the whole bait and switch
Neal: probably feet I think
kills him anyway Scorpion
because as he will remind us now
here he reminded us their path
is only open to the strong or
something like that. Where their
path is not open to the week I
don't remember he just said
so I'm just hanging out in the
in the woods bizarre and Eva
Mendez. What's your real name,
Corey: Yes, well, I mean other
way around, but yeah. Or a
Neal: name? Sorry. character's
name is Hannah. Yeah. So I don't
know I'm obsessed with how to
get to the Scorpion place it
must be in the woods right
Oh shit. Oh no. I can Bugs Bunny
style captured in that joke
Corey: I just made came true
immediately. She is using her
bait and switch skills.
Neal: With the help of Kung Lao
and everyone though
Corey: he did to get out his
classic torturing saw quite a
bit worried
Neal: his pendulum
was just so consumed with
jealousy Jesus Christ
Corey: jealousy I don't know is
that anything?
Unknown: No. Stop Have you
stopped me from finally doing
something for myself? By
swallowing some line of crap
Scorpion fed you topical
Corey: finally, something
topical. These are these
important subjects more fucking
1995 or whatever.
Neal: Like to 9999 I
Corey: think by now. Yeah. The
good news.
Neal: Sure just shows how much
things have not changed. Right?
Corey: The first two years of my
life and this sort of have just
sort of continued half a day
from there and a cycle
Neal: 1998
Corey: I'm so mad I need to
untie you to fucking throw you
into all
Neal: this episode of air
December 98
Corey: You're a pussy fight me?
Right? I'm afraid I wouldn't
stop this is toxic masculinity
in action. Yeah, it
Neal: is dude. And it gives
Scorpion power in this universe.
Right like he's like, I'm not
gonna fight you. You can fight
my boy Kung Lao champion of
Mortal Kombat. Right.
We can go to try to recruit them
into their cold. See, that's how
you get people out of cold. So
you convince them to join other
Corey: It just stops being a
call at a certain point.
Unknown: My help and timing can
be great. Or you have a trainer.
What does he offer? What do you
offer is all in place, a job
support to carry out His plan
and do the same?
Neal: Much the same way you want
it to breathe sulfur all day
Corey: Right? Yeah, you do like
sweaty? Yeah. Kassar,
Neal: we have a breeze up here.
Fresh air. Apples. Lots all the
apples you can eat dude,
Corey: you don't have to keep
watching the movie drive. Which
Scorpion won't stop watching and
Neal: You can also dress however
you want. Dude. He's just like
me. I also love the Scorpion
absolutely watch his drive.
Corey: Oh, yeah. He watched his
drive and to try to mimic that
he bought the jacket off of like
a bootleg website and has been
working on a Mazda Miata
Neal: working on a Mazda Miata.
Corey: The recent course.
Neal: Commercial, Paul they're
easy to overstuffing
Corey: he's not an expert. He's
good at fucking throwing snake
chains. Right? Yeah, he doesn't
know cars like that.
Neal: It's a starter car first
Corey: Yeah, he's He's good. He
got like,
Neal: did he get it in like the
Scorpion yellow?
Corey: Yeah, and he's gonna He's
gonna put a turbo on it. I don't
think they come turbo if they do
somebody's gonna know I'm a
fraud and talking about this.
Neal: His license please get
renew wheels like it's made out
of chain. It's one of those you
know, it can
Corey: shoot bullets. You can
take the uniform off now.
Neal: It says only close. So
just remember we're gonna see
him later. He's gonna be wearing
Ciro's clothes.
Corey: Scorpion knows I'm cool.
What if I am going to fucking
give a shit?
Neal: Yeah, and this is now
they're just going to talk about
how much they hate their dad.
Right? Competition story of all
of our lives
where you realize that Siro and
Taja Siro and Taja Siro and
Kisara are the the Tavan and
Dagon of this universe dude,
absolutely they are. proved me
Unknown: Seeing you after all
these years, forced me to face
the truth. That did this to us.
He drove us apart. It wasn't us.
Neal: See, this is an artist
shit, dude.
Unknown: We make our lives now.
Like you made yours. That didn't
make you leave. And it did. And
now she's here. She's mine. Siro
Yes, she
Neal: became Do you um, do you
believe these two men as
Corey: Um, yeah. Enough
Neal: even though one has an
accent and the other doesn't
I guess after 1000 miles, maybe
there's some regional
differences right?
Unknown: If you don't be safe
this I promise
Neal: be nice to fight with you
for as long as he got through to
him, so that's good. Be nice to
have a brother after all this
time. Nice to see something like
wrap up nicely. You know Happy
Ending the brothers getting
along. We're gonna have a nice
meal together and the episode is
gonna end and everyone's gonna
have you know, they're gonna
have a new ally right
Unknown: should we prepare to
bring him back? No, I will do it
alone. No one leaves us
Neal: well, it's kind of a weird
scene, but I got a good feeling
about the rest of this episode.
I think we're gonna have a nice
happy ending look good. They
Corey: love so leader at women
in the street. These two crosses
the roads and posing Hey, Go
home to your wife, your wife.
Neal: Go home to your wife. He's
like, of course my wife.
Corey: Don't worry. I took half
of my call it fit off. Now I've
just dressed like I'm doing
community theater.
Neal: Kisara is kind of a white
guy, isn't he? No,
Corey: he was just clearing it
with it in the street life guys
don't do that. He's a 10. But
he's leering at women in the
Neal: He's a white guy, but he's
a 10. Wait. How awesome.
I was waiting for another Kung
Lao likes to meditate by the
lake. I think we only see the
lake once and it's when it's
next episode. I think when when
Tasha is mourning her dead
boyfriend who got melted by
reptile acids. Spoiler alert for
next episode.
Corey: This episode feels cattle
Neal: It does. This one's crazy
Corey: because it's one of the
ones of this show where it's
setting up a bunch of things
that won't pay off.
Neal: It's mostly a lot of
Corey: Where does he go up a lot
of stuff and then I'll just say
a few things don't break exactly
how you would help for some of
these core characters.
Neal: Are you seeing any apples
on the table? We've had a lot of
changes in this series eating an
apple. Yes me.
Corey: We've had a lot of outfit
changes in this one. He's
changed twice. Taj has changed
once. Eva Mendez has changed
twice. Yes, like this one's
fashion forward
Neal: 15 confirmed apples also
Siro is wearing his sleeveless
shirt and Kisara is wearing his
sleeved shirt.
Corey: His Church shirt.
Neal: I love that. Yeah. And
they're in there each wearing
one of the two pairs of pants
Siro has the brown ones and the
blue one
Corey: I think they should each
get half of the church shirt and
half of the other shirt.
Neal: Yeah one sleeve each and
then like one brown pant leg and
one blue pant leg. Like like
fucking to face right. But this
is something kind of grim about
this. We will see Siro wear that
church shirt again so he is
going to wear the shirt that his
brother died in in the future.
Yeah, yeah. Kind of kind of wild
and I hate dad. I don't want to
go back
Corey: to good place God I just
want you to hate my dad. I do
buy them as brothers now that
I'm thinking about it not just
because they're in basically the
same shirt. No, my dad is
Neal: here. FUCK IT'S OUR it's
the standard for our dad.
Corey: Dad just walked in on
Neal: Scorpion, the guy who we
have placed all of our daddy
issues on
Corey: we're projecting it is
funny that the shirts a little
too big.
Neal: Yeah, it's a nice talk
because Daniel Bernhardt I think
it's like add some believability
Corey: it makes it work and I
liked it. They kicked the table
in half and I liked it the boys
are gonna go fucking kick that
demons as he fucking does
gymnastics away.
Neal: Oh, yeah, this is good.
This is a fun fight this good
Corey: This episode has been
fight light. Anyway, on account
of the long opening fight, and
then this
Neal: and that was kind of Yeah,
it was just kind of the long
opening fight the Kung Lao
fighting Kasara that was good,
though. But brief. And now we
get this this is gonna be like
it's like a five minute long
fight I think to
Corey: get kicked in the back of
the head of my Daniel Bernhardt.
Neal: God not many who have have
Corey: if you ask you'll do it
but you will.
Neal: Chris Cassamassa is you
know we're talking shit about
the Scorpion voice.
Corey: Hey, God, stop stop what
you're saying with discovery of
voice because we have to talk
about that. The Flying punch. So
rarely do they do wire work is
Still Yeah, but they're so good
every time. They should be doing
those constantly. That's so much
fun to watch him fly across the
fucking town square. And this is
shit. Why are we doing this all
the goddamn time?
Neal: This is good the Scorpion
the Scorpion snake spear like
lifting Kasara
Corey: This is Oh much
Neal: Yes do
Corey: the flying punch the
uppercut murder the snake chain
rope. Arm.
Neal: The girthy snake rope.
Corey: I don't know about that.
I don't know if we have to do
Neal: We do it every time I do
it every time I like to remind
people how girthy it is. Okay,
it's good. It's good Raisa D
directed this episode. And he's,
he's like, directed, like, as
far as I can tell, since
television was invented. He's
directed television. Like as far
back as TV shows in the 60s.
And then he's also doing Mortal
Kombat conquest episodes. Yeah.
Yeah. As I was saying, I think
like we talked about the
Scorpion voice, Chris Cassamassa
still like a good fighter a good
stunt dude. A good good casting
as Scorpion. I just wish they
had done some kind of like post
processing to give Scorpion more
of like a Spectre II voice
right. Like he has in the games.
Corey: Yeah, course Bob Yeah.
Neal: Yes, commercial Paul.
Corey: I like this is that was
the bumper has no say no, that
if it was well, this episode
ends very unceremoniously
quickly. Given the amount of
time it spends building up the
the encounter and the context in
the family everything. Then you
have a relatively quick fight
with Scorpion, which was mostly
with Siro anyway. Because our
unceremoniously dies and Eva
Mendes is like, well, I guess I
should leave. was just like,
Neal: not just I guess I should
leave but I also can't stand to
look at you because you remind
me of Kozar
Corey: You look too hot like
you're dead brother.
Neal: Right? Yeah. I have to go
be in in hitch.
Corey: I have to go out with my
husband who was in Drive, right.
All right. Ryan Gosling and Eva
Mendes married.
Neal: Are they they might be I
think they are. Eva Mendes.
Corey: It's up to you Google Eva
Mendes. I could go to Ryan
Gosling. Yeah,
Neal: they are still married.
What a beautiful couple Jesus
Christ. She's like, I have to go
be in Ghost Writer.
Corey: Dude, that's awesome. You
Yeah. Dude, if Ryan Gosling was
on one of these fucking
episodes, shit, holy
Neal: could you imagine? But
wasn't he busy on are you afraid
of the dark or something? I
guess Ryan God,
Corey: I don't know what the
fuck he was doing. Live in the
fucking GTA or wherever he's
Neal: the Grand Theft Auto
right? God they're gonna do a
new IMDb redesign and I already
they're letting you preview it
now. I already fucking hate it.
Corey: screenshotted I haven't
seen it. I want to be
disappointed too.
Neal: You can just go do it.
Corey: I like how we've already
decided this episodes over which
is why we're just talking about
Neal: Yeah, Ryan Gosling. Are
you afraid of the dark? 1995 The
tale of station one Oh 9.1 Was
this first one
Corey: Oh 9.1 Though beast and
they play like rock music
Neal: and of the episode also,
it's great. It's also Greg banks
in the Say cheese and die
episode of goose bombs. That was
his second credit. Hercules,
young Hercules Lars and the real
girl. No, no, no VIP or
Baywatch. And Ryan Gosling's
IMDB. I think it's a good
episode. What do you think?
Corey: Um, we weren't that
invested in it. But I don't
think it's necessarily a bad
one. Its biggest problem is that
it has absolutely no bearing on
what became one season of
television. So as we said, it's
a whole lot of exposition. For
Yeah, essentially nothing. Which
is this definitely frustrating.
Neal: Well, this was the
episode. So like, obviously, we
learned all about Kung Lao in
the pilot, right. And we learned
a lot about Tasha in the undying
dream. This episode right is
undying dream, I believe the one
wishes in the Cobalt Mines.
Corey: Yes.
Neal: Yeah, whichever one that
one was. So this was this was
now ciros Episode LET'S GET TO
KNOW Siro Siro is backstory in
history right where we meet his
brother and his loved ones and
stuff but it is yeah, it's but
we're halfway This was also the
middle of the like we are now we
have no watched half of the
series at this point.
Corey: And knowing that we don't
have more, it does feel like not
a waste that's far too short
order but it's frustrating to be
like we're at the midpoint and
what we got out of this like the
thing that effectively is part
of what's teeing up the future
is something that becomes
effectively moot. Which is a bit
of a drag. But I think
Neal: this does kick off a
little Yeah, cuz next episode,
shadow of a doubt. That's the
one where Okay, that's the next
episode. That's the Molina
episode. Oh boy, that's gonna
suck. So that's kind of but
that's kind of like the so like,
this thicker than blood. This
was like the Siro relationship
episode right. And then shadow
of a doubt the Molina Kitana
Little Mix up that's gonna be
like the Kung Lao like diving
into like, the Kung Lao
relationship of it all. And then
we've got twisted truths. That's
the one with Brian wrath Clark,
but basically, more
specifically, Tomas. Taja. His
boyfriend, you know, yeah. And
yeah, Brian Rath Clark as burly
citizen. Yeah, and there's like
we're getting like a nice little
trilogy here. Oh, nice. Maybe is
not the right word considering
that weird Molina episode. But
like this is now they're diving
into they're trying to build
more of like the, the character
like more steaks for the main
characters. You know what I'm
saying? Right? Does anybody know
what I'm saying? Do I even know
what I'm saying? Somebody's
gonna know you're saying?
Somebody's gonna know what I'm
saying. Oh, shit, dude, we
fucked up. We're gonna get to a
festival of death the spooky
Halloween episode like way
before October. Oh, well,
Corey: we could wait. Yeah, like
I think there's good stuff in
this episode. But I think with
the context of knowing like what
we have coming up. I don't know
if it stands up to the scrutiny
of like the best episodes of
this show at all.
Neal: No, I don't think I'd put
it in the best way. Like, it's
you know, they brought back a
main Mortal Kombat character in
Scorpion. Maybe he just because
he used a little bit more
Scorpion. A probably could have
used a little bit more Scorpion
and a little. A little less
Khazar a little b maybe
Corey: a little more Scorpion a
little less. Action please
Neal: add a little bit of Monica
in my life
Corey: Monica say it like the
beginning of crazy train
that was fake laughter turning
into real laughter really
Neal: that's a fun game. Like
that game? Yeah, yeah
yeah, I don't know. Pretty good
episode. It's middle of the road
is better than a lot of episodes
that we we will see.
Corey: Yeah, it's better than
the worst ones by by a margin. I
Neal: calling it now it's going
to be better than the Molina
episode we're going to have to
endure next time but I'm I'm
done. Are you done? I'm good.
Corey: I'm still drinking his
black Gatorade
Neal: right and you haven't died
yet? So that's a good sign every
Corey: fucking day now.
Neal: You haven't mutated into
like a crab like Monster.
Corey: I have a doctor's
appointment tomorrow.
Neal: Oh good good timing
actually yeah, get checked out
Corey: just I'm gonna be like
Hey, I know that this is like
you know our first time having
like a follow on appointment new
doctor. I'm gonna lead I think
with the black Gatorade as my
biggest immediate health concern
Neal: right speech like Listen
sir I had a little bit of
chemical a zero dash 395 9x
point nine one dash 15 And he's
gonna humble
Corey: own face and gasp and go
like ah, because you're not
supposed to do that
Neal: Did you just make a joke
and then get proud of yourself
Corey: not proud it's just kind
of funny. It's it's funny to say
Home Alone face everybody knows
what that is. Fucking nail my
homologue faces a face of rage
because the new home alone movie
was bad. There's a new home
alone movie Home Sweet Home on
baby starring a horrible child
and Rob Delaney.
Neal: Oh shit. Rob Delaney.
Corey: Yeah, Rob Delaney and a
girl whose name I can't
remember. But she was on the
Neal: Suite.
Corey: I think she was on the
office. Anyway, the movies bad
you shouldn't watch it. None of
the things I'm saying should
draw you into watch
Neal: Ellie Kemper Yeah, she was
on the office and she one of
those rival podcast ladies. No,
but she was recently on an
episode of there's also How
could she do that to us? Right
Ellie Kemper go on MK podcast
we'll talk about the Unbreakable
Kimmy Schmidt which is funny and
Corey: Yeah powerful would be to
be unbreakable and Mortal
Kombat. Holy shit. The
unmemorable Kimmy Schmidt
Neal: playing with a Game Genie
Corey: good Genie
Neal: got that Game Genie code.
Yeah, she was also in
bridesmaids, Cory What do you
got going on?
Corey: Um, wow, I almost lost my
mic over sorry
Neal: listen, I'm gonna say
look, I'm gonna say right now
the commentary we did. I'm gonna
give us like a cinnamon All
right. If you bailed before
getting to this you fucked up.
Corey: We say don't a good ship,
right. That's good podcasting.
You want to keep them wanting
more? There's no way they're
doing a show. That's this
fucking bad. Right? Is your
right listener? We weren't we
were saving all the good stuff
for right now.
Neal: This is a test to see who
makes it through
Corey: Yeah. If you listened to
the end of this episode, tweet
at any related Twitter account
to us. Monica parentheses
extreme Crazy Train voice and we
will know
Neal: that you made it to the
well no, you're a real one.
Corey: Well, no, you're a real
one and you don't like when
anything for that but we'll
appreciate it does that count
for anything? It should we'll
put your dad peelers
No, I have a good relationship
with my dad It's everybody's
everybody everybody be cool
everybody be cool. Must be nice
everybody be cool guys deals
talking about his relationship
problems dad every one of you
Neal: must be nice to have a
nice cool supportive
relationship with your dad. Did
you just file your fucking chair
Corey: I was surely Jesus Christ
clicked something started
playing audio really
the worst possible time because
you were making like an actual
statement. Oh
Neal: doesn't matter. Okay,
people. Cory What are you doing?
Corey: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh,
yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like the guy
from the Storage Wars. You good?
Is that guy probably canceled
maybe we'll see.
Neal: I'm pretty sure all
everyone on storyboards is or
will be pretty safe. Like if
you're if you have like a
canceled betting pool. You're
putting data from storage was
just anyone on Storage Wars easy
money, but Jiminy
Corey: Cricket from Storage
Wars. You laughed. It wasn't
funny, but you laughed.
Neal: I was loving it. I was
laughing at the concept. Yeah.
Corey: Because he was just like
a little boy. He's a little man
wow, who? This Mario now? Jiminy
Cricket Mario?
Neal: They made another one.
Corey: Yeah, it's good stuff.
We're having good time. Um,
okay. Well, actually, there was
an f1 race this morning. If you
want to hear me talk more about
f1 You can listen to strat two.
We don't have like a weekly
release schedule. My friend
kalmunai But we get we get them
done when we can so soon, you'll
be able to hear us talking about
all of the most baffling forett
Fuck, you'll be able to hear us
talking about all of the
baffling Ferrari strategy
decisions. You can imagine that
strapped to f1 on Twitter.
strat, like the word strategy
like that word I just said.
Yeah. They made another one.
sequels, reboots, remakes,
movies stuff sorry the
Blackadder it started get to me
a little bit.
Neal: It's mutating Oh,
Corey: and we just had our
yesterday our end of the season
wrap up episode will be out.
It's long. I don't know how long
it is yet. The answer is nearly
three hours. Holy shit, give or
take whatever it gets taken out
in the edit and And it's a
really good time. I think we had
a lot of fun and it's a good
place to sort of get situated
like what did we watch in the
last year? What are we teeing up
for the start of August? It's a
good time they made another one.
Everybody knows about Twitter
account is I don't need to say
Neal: You can have one more sip
of that. That black goo and
you're really good. I'm gonna
Corey: drink do you want me to
drink the rest of it right now?
Neal: Home sweet overload is
good. Actually. Jim, I
Corey: want to drink the rest of
it right now. If I ever say
that, by the way, you can kill
me you know it's not me anymore.
Chuck it I would never say that.
So if I ever say hose we humble
on was good. Actually. You can
fucking kill me on the spot.
Neal: You got it? What? You just
said it. Oh
Corey: no. I don't like I
shouldn't have done that. Do you
want to play
Neal: and if you want to learn
more about chemical a zero dash
395 9x point nine one dash one
five. You can check out my other
podcast crew expendable all
about the Alien franchise crew Dan that was
available crew expendable dotnet
Yeah, but wasn't at crew
expend a pod on Twitter. And in
your podcast app as crew
expendable. You can find me on
Twitter at final Neal and
Instagram at final Neal retro.
Follow the show on Twitter and
Instagram at MK pod quest MK pod find link to our
YouTube channel all of our
episodes, places to subscribe,
ways to support the show, et
cetera. us good five star
reviews. We look we earned that
we've pulled it off at the end
of this episode. We deserve that
five star review. So they'll
drop a drop of liking a fav and
whatever else on the podcast
places. And we'll be back next
week assuming Cory survives his
encounter with chemical a zero
dash 395 9x point nine one dash
one five. Yeah, I'm gonna try
Creators and Guests